Daughter and dad naming a star

Name a Star for your Mom

Name a Star for her and gift something unique & everlasting this Mother's Day!

Name a real star

A partir de £34.90 GBP

Women showing her star certificate that she received as gift

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A unique present for your Mom

Naming a star for your mom is one of the most unique & thoughtful gifts you can give. The gift set comes with personalized documents wrapped in a beautiful presentation folder, access to our Planetarium app, and a unique registration number!

Visible Stars

We only name stars that are guaranteed visible, so you and your mom will find the star within minutes and without any additional tools required.

Star Register App

To find the named star even easier, you can download our iOS or Android app, enter your registration number and let your phone guide you!
*app is not required

Clientes ❤️ nos amam

Leia algumas de nossas mais de 10.000 Avaliações

This was purchased for my wife as a Mother’s Day gift, which she loved! There was a minor issue with shipping (shipping service’s fault). Customer service made things right - super friendly and simple process. Would definitely buy again! FYI, purchased the very bright star package.

Brandon Kocher

So personal and touching. I ordered for my sister’s birthday and she loved it. The star necklace was the perfect accompaniment. Very fast delivery. Exceeded expectations.

Paul McCarley

This was a gift for my mother. This Binary stars were named after my grandparents. She cried alot and she was so happy that she can go out and look to the sky and feel like her parents are watching right over her. This is a beautiful keepsake and very sentimental. Thank u for helping make my moms christmas so special.

Vivian Nieves

I bought 2 stars for my mother and her husband for Christmas. They truly loved it and is very happy with it. It is truly a special gift to offer to another person. To know everytime you look up in the night sky, their is a Star named after you now!


It was a name day gift for my mother, she was so happy with it! Thank you for the fast delivery, all the great options and everything!

Nathalie Arseneault

Awesome it was the best gift for my mother for mothers day she loved it she said "awe now im a star" 🌟 i told her "you've always been a star in my eyes... Love you momma

April Jenkins

My daughter had this idea for a mother's day gift for her mother. It was an awesome idea and she loved it. It was different than flowers or candy and it's something that will last forever. Thank you for making this mother's day a completely special occasion. Thanks, Arnold

Arnold Vevang

It was in good shape when it arrived at my house for a mother's day present for my mom and she appreciated it to. I would suggest it to anyone.

Hayley Wilson

My mother cried tears of joy at her new gift. It really meant a lot to her. Thanks for helping me make her so happy! 🙂


Todas as ofertas incluem

Certificado & Mapa Estelar

Você receberá um certificado de estrela personalizado para sua estrela nomeada. Oferecemos uma grande seleção de diferentes designs, bem como a possibilidade de adicionar uma dedicatória pessoal.

Além disso, você receberá seu próprio mapa estelar, no qual todas as informações importantes sobre a localização de sua estrela podem ser encontradas.

Factsheet and app for the named star

Ficha Informativa & Aplicativo

Além disso, cada conjunto de nomeação de estrelas contém uma folha lindamente desenhada com dicas úteis e informações que o ajudarão a encontrar sua estrela nomeada no céu noturno.

O acesso ao nosso aplicativo oferece uma experiência especial na busca por sua estrela! Seu telefone o guiará aonde olhar para encontrar sua estrela nomeada em qualquer data e hora!

Star Registration Gift Folder

Pasta de Presente Premium

Todos os seus documentos estão embalados em uma bela pasta de apresentação. Assim, eles não só estão particularmente bem protegidos, mas também prontos para serem presenteados diretamente!

Ela também contém algumas informações interessantes sobre o registro da estrela em si e os documentos inclusos.

Aplicativo Localizador de Estrelas

iphone mockup

Encontre sua estrela com facilidade

Basta inserir seu número de registro, e nosso aplicativo o guiará até a estrela nomeada.

Realidade Aumentada

Seu telefone guiará exatamente seus olhos para a posição da estrela a qualquer hora do dia.

Notificações ao Vivo

Receba notificações quando sua estrela surgir no horizonte e se tornar visível

Este aplicativo é um dos melhores que já usei para observar as estrelas!

Michael J.

Nomeie uma Estrela

Conjunto de Presente Completo em todos os Pacotes

Todos os nossos pacotes incluem um certificado de estrela, mapa celeste, folhas de informações e a pasta de apresentação!

Garantia do Melhor Preço

Encontrou mais barato em outro lugar? Nós reembolsamos a diferença

  • Name a Star Standard
    £34.90 59.90
    Especial de Ano Novo - Salvar 42%
    • Nomeie uma Estrela Única
    • Visível a Olho Nu
    • Conjunto de Presente Bonito
    • Entrada no Registro de Estrelas
    • Acesso Online ao Registro
    • Download do Aplicativo de Planetário
    • Ficha Técnica sobre Sua Estrela

    Entrega estimada: antes de

    PDF digital antecipadamente
  • Name a Binary Star
    £89.90 129.90
    Especial de Ano Novo - Salvar 31%
    • Nomear uma estrela dupla
    • Visível a olho nu
    • Belíssimo conjunto de presentes
    • Entrada no Registro de Estrelas
    • Acesso online ao Registro
    • Download do aplicativo Planetário
    • Ficha informativa sobre sua estrela


    O que torna isso especial?

    • Muito fácil de localizar
    • Duas estrelas orbitando uma à outra
    • Estrelas mais brilhantes e maiores

    Entrega estimada: antes de

    PDF digital antecipadamente

Frequently Asked Questions

Why naming a star is the perfect Gift for Mother's Day?

Mom's are truly our stars in live and sometimes, especially if you're already out of house, they might forget about it. Make sure your Mom will always know that she is a real star to you by naming a star for her! Hand over a personalized star certificate!

Will my mom be able to see the named star?

Yes, every star we name will be clearly visible from anywhere in the world with no tools required. Additionally, you can download our app, which makes it even easier to locate the star. So you can go beneath the night sky with your mom to find her named star!

Can I customize the Certificate?

Yes, we offer a wide variety of designs so that you can hand over a personalized gift certificate for Mother's day! Write a personal dedication and tell your Mom why she is a star to you!

For which occasions do most name stars?

Mother's day is definitely a favorite occasion to name a star, but our customers also name stars for birthdays, christenings, birth, and many other occasions.

Will it arrive before Mother's Day?

Yes, we will make sure that the gift arrives in time! Even if you are last-minute, we can register the star within 3 hours and send you the documents via E-Mail! We will make sure that you'll have a great gift!

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