A memorable & meaningful grieving gift to keep the deceased alive in the stars.

Como se ve en

A unique Sympathy Gift!
Naming a star as a sympathy gift is a unique and thoughtful way to offer comfort and support the grieving ones. It provides a lasting tribute and symbolizes hope, offering a personal and meaningful way to keep the memory of their loved one alive.
Name a star and get something to keep him or her shining for eternity.
App Star Finder

Encuentra tu estrella fácilmente
Simplemente ingresa tu número de registro y nuestra app te guiará a la estrella nombrada.
Realidad Aumentada
Tu teléfono guiará exactamente tus ojos a la posición de la estrella en cualquier momento del día.
Notificaciones en Vivo
Recibe notificaciones cuando tu estrella asciende sobre el horizonte y se hace visible

¡Esta aplicación es una de las mejores que he usado para observar las estrellas!
Impresiones de los Clientes
Los clientes ❤️ nos
Lee algunas de nuestras más de 10.000 reseñas
This was an amazing memorial gift for my daughter-in-law and family. They feel comforted by being able to see that star so clearly in the night sky. Thank you much!

I named a star in honor of a recently deceased dear friend. The personalized framed poster that contained my own words of tribute was a loving gift to his grieving family. Unlike flowers or a fruit basket, this will serve as a constant reminder of their loved one.

This was a memorial gift to my best friend for her son sudden death. Thank you for making this gift so special

My sister in law lost her father and she it was a beautiful gift for her to have a star named after him. The best sympathy gift.

This is the 2nd star I named. The first was a memorial for my mother in law who passed. This one for my husband's birthday. This was something he definitely didn't have. He loved it!! On time delivery and beautiful certificate. Now I need to figure out the star finder app.thank you

I bought this as a gift for a friend who just lost her mother. She said it was the most beautiful gift she had received and had brought her to tears. How amazing knowing u can look up at night and know there’s a star out there just for you. Highly recommend this to everyone.

Todas las ofertas incluyen

Certificado y Mapa de Estrellas
Recibirás un certificado de estrella personalizado para tu estrella nombrada. Ofrecemos una gran selección de diferentes diseños, así como la posibilidad de agregar una dedicatoria personal.
Además, recibirás tu propio mapa de estrellas, en el que se puede encontrar toda la información importante sobre la ubicación de tu estrella.

Hoja de datos y App
Además, cada conjunto de nombramiento de estrellas contiene una hoja bellamente diseñada con consejos útiles e información que te ayudará a encontrar tu estrella nombrada en el cielo nocturno.
¡El acceso a nuestra aplicación ofrece una experiencia especial en la búsqueda de tu estrella! ¡Tu teléfono te guiará a dónde mirar para encontrar tu estrella nombrada en cualquier fecha y hora!

Carpeta de Regalo Premium
Todos tus documentos están empacados en una hermosa carpeta de presentación. Por lo tanto, no solo están particularmente bien protegidos, sino que también están listos para regalar directamente como un regalo!
También contiene alguna información interesante sobre el propio registro de la estrella y los documentos incluidos.
Nombrar una Estrella
£34.9059.90Especial - Guardar 42%- Garantizada la visibilidad
- Hermoso certificado de estrellas
- Mapa celeste
- Carpeta de presentación
- App del Planetario
Entrega estimada: antes
PDF digital por adelantado - Garantizada la visibilidad
£59.9089.90Especial - Guardar 33%El más fácil de localizar- Visible garantizado
- Certificado de estrella bonita
- Mapa estelar
- Dossier de presentación
- Aplicación de planetario
¿Qué hace especial a esta estrella?
- Muy fácil de localizar
- Constelación de tu elección
- Estrella angular de una constelación
Entrega estimada: antes
PDF digital por adelantado - Visible garantizado
Estrella binaria
£89.90129.90Especial - Guardar 31%- Garantía de visibilidad
- Certificado de la bella estrella
- Mapa Celeste
- Carpeta de presentación
- App del Planetario
¿Qué lo hace especial?
- Dos estrellas que orbitan entre sí
- Más grandes y brillantes que otras estrellas
- Perfecto para las parejas
Entrega estimada: antes
PDF digital por adelantado
Things to consider
Name a visible star
If you name a star that can't be seen from the recipient's location, it will cause frustration. In the beginning, we ask for your country, so we can make sure to name a star that never settles below the horizon and is visible throughout the whole year. That way the deceased one will always be visible among the stars.
Good to know
A sympathy gift should be special. Make sure to name a visible star. We gurantee that the named star will be visible
Choose the right partner
Getting a unique memorial gift isn't easy. Choose the right partner so the keepsake will never be forgotten. Star-Registration knows how important a memorial gift is and our team is trained for such special occasions!
Choose an expert
We have been experts in naming stars for deceased persons since 2011!
Questions & Answers
What is a memorial star?
A memorial star is a unique and heartfelt way to honor and remember a loved one who has passed away. By naming a star after them, you create a personal and lasting tribute that can bring comfort and solace to those who are grieving. It's a meaningful and thoughtful gift that provides a symbol of eternal life and keeps the memory of the loved one shining bright.
A memorable gift
A gift that won't be forgotten
What is included in the grieving gift set?
Our gift set to remember a deceased person includes a star certificate with a personal dedication, a celestial map and a factsheet about the named star. Everything comes wrapped in a beautiful presentation folder, ready to hand over!
Sympathy gift set
You'll get a full gift-set including a beautiful set of documents.
Why is it a great memorial gift?
Overall, buying a star as a sympathy gift can be a beautiful way to offer comfort and support to someone who is grieving. It's a lasting tribute that symbolizes hope and light, and it's a personal and thoughtful gesture that can make a real difference in someone's life.
Shines for Eternity
Even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found
Looking for something else?
Check our sympathy gift guide to get to know our top 3 sympathy gifts you can give to remember a deceased person and to show your condolences.